Foro de Simulación de Wrestling: Elige un luchador, crea rivalidades, gana títulos y conviértete en leyenda.
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 King of the Ring

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Triple H
Low Carder
Low Carder

Cantidad de envíos : 4022
Luchador/Diva : Triple H
Títulos :
Logros Triple H:

Fecha de inscripción : 04/02/2012

King of the Ring Empty
MensajeTema: King of the Ring   King of the Ring I_icon_minitime10/7/2013, 3:48 am

A throne...

It's the time! Just a chance to shine!

King of the Ring Be3

A crown...

It's the opportunity! Just a chance to be crowned!

King of the Ring Bhz

A scepter...

It's simply! Knowing who will be the king among all!

King of the Ring Zih

With twelve men risking everything!


All at risk for the same objective!



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King of the Ring
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